A Timeless Journey

My Road Goes Ever On

Wounded Souls and Quiet Heroes

In this reflection from My Road Goes Ever On A Timeless Journey, friendship teaches me the value of both wounded souls and quiet heroes.

Driving into town this morning, passing by the refurbished diner, the town hall—its door wide open to the Coffee and Gab Saturday regulars, a friend heading into the post office, and finally turning into the Glendale Cemetery to check on a recent inquiry about a gravesite, I considered a book my friend Anne DeSantis has written about “ministering to the marginalized.”

Anne and I chatted on the phone yesterday, a hot, humid Friday afternoon when my body wanted nothing more than a cold drink, a whirling fan, and a soft bed. Yet as I listened to her describe the reason for writing her book and her personal mission to be present to the marginalized, I considered—who are marginalized in my world? And who am I to them?

As Anne describes it, the marginalized are not necessarily “poor people” but rather those individuals who have been left out, shoved aside, demoted to untouchable in our society’s unique caste system. Amazingly, a wealthy man, as well as a beautiful woman, could be marginalized if they are valued only for their wealth or beauty.

This week, one of my middle daughters asked if we could visit the Volunteer Fire Department here in Fillmore. I asked around, and we were able to stop by on Tuesday evening. We were given a tour of the place, a detailed description of their work, and shown their impressive equipment. Laura, my usually quiet kid, asked a number of questions. Knowing that she volunteers at the Lighthouse in Vandalia and serves in our church, I wasn’t surprised that she wanted to know more about the volunteer fire department. I was surprised when she wanted to try on their gear.

The firefighters seemed happy to answer every question and suit her up. I was impressed. Not only with their kindness in responding to her but in the joy that I felt in experiencing their sincere passion for such a worthy cause. Though there are hospitals in nearby towns, we live in the rural countryside, so these volunteers are the first to arrive on a local scene and offer immediate assistance—be it to a health crisis, a brushfire, a car accident, a house fire, or other situation where someone calls for help.

I’m reminded of the people of ancient times who maintained lighthouses to keep ships safe at sea, assorted medics who have served well beyond official capacities, servicemen and women who have protected their country not only in battle but in rebuilding broken homes and lives after battles, first responders who have risked life and limb to rescue victims after a disaster—noble souls throughout all of human history, serving all over the world.

Like a Hobbit in one of Tolkien’s stories, I am not a warrior or a leader. I don’t fight Balrogs or draw national boundaries, but I do encounter human beings every day. Most days my struggle might involve nothing more than a laundry issue or what to put on the table for dinner, but the person who needs clean clothes or is hungry is as important as any before God.

In a world of everlasting crisis, where hate and anger join in mindless destruction, there are both wounded souls and quiet heroes. With the same twenty-four hours in a day and an unknown lifespan, we have opportunities before us. We are not all the same. None of us have the same skill sets, strengths, intelligence, opportunities, passions, interests, wounds, or limitations.

But we all have a decision to make.

Who will I be today?



A. K. Frailey is the author of 17 books, a teacher for 35 years, and a homeschooling mother of 8.

Make the most of life’s journey.

For novels, short stories, poems, and non-fiction inspirational books, check out

A. K. Frailey’s Amazon Author Page


I loved reading Ann’s wise, hope-giving thoughts about life and love. Truly, life is the art of overcoming obstacles and becoming stronger to live a fuller life. Beautiful work! ~Ksenia

A Timeless Journey
In this reflection from My Road Goes Ever On A Timeless Journey, friendship teaches me the value of both wounded souls and quiet heroes.


Sometimes I feel sad about things, personal and…the world, and find inspiration in your stories~Edith N. Mendel Fréccia

For a complete list of books by A. K. Frailey, book trailers, and reviews,

check out

A.K. Frailey’s Books Page

Photo https://pixabay.com/de/photos/meer-sturm-welle-spray-foam-gull-4783301/


A Timeless Journey, A. K. Frailey, amazon author page, Amazon Books, Ann Frailey, Anne DeSantis, crisis, culture, decisions, ebooks, encouragement, entertainment for life, family culture, heroes, Hobbit, Hope, human beings, Humanity, inspirational, interests, kindle books, kindness, Life Lessons, life purpose, limitations, literature, marginalized, ministering, Mission, opportunties, paperbacks, passions, personal choices, Relationships, rural countryside, self help, service, skill sets, small town life, society and culture, strength, Tolkien, townsfolk, volunteer, Who am I?, wounded souls, wounded spirit

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