Memories Poem

For Goodness Sake

In this Memories Poem, life’s possibilities travel the byways of experience—hope meeting disappointment, joy overthrown—yet a new vision makes all things dear. 

Photos speak what words no longer say,

Who once lived, loved, shaped each day.

Childhood memories,

Sweet baby fresh,

Life’s possibilities,

Hope, fears mesh.

Young mother held and rocked,

Against all monsters locked.

Rustic Dad with kids did roam,

Always return, safe haven home.

In youth’s mighty grasp,

The world did clasp.

Joy overthrown,

Disappointment did own.

But down the lane,

Return hope sane,

As the world jolts,

And reason bolts.

Faithful siblings clash,

Memories, tears dash.

Relentless fail,

Laughter hail.

New vision dear,

Selfless cheer,

For others,



Beyond touch,

Memories clutch.

Hearts swell and break,

Love—for goodness sake.


A. K. Frailey is the author of 17 books, a teacher for 35 years, and a homeschooling mother of 8.

Make the most of life’s journey.

For novels, short stories, poems, and non-fiction inspirational books, check out

A. K. Frailey’s Amazon Author Page

Memories Poem


“This is another wonderful offering from A.K. Frailey. If you have read her other collections, I am certain you will enjoy this volume. It is a wonderful collection of poems infused with faith.” ~Steven McEvoy

For a complete list of books by A. K. Frailey, book trailers, and reviews, check out

A. K. Frailey’s Books Page

For translated versions of A. K. Frailey’s Books, check out

A. K. Frailey’s Translated Books



A. K. Frailey, amazon author page, Amazon Books, Ann Frailey, brother sister, Childhood, dad, disappointment, ebooks, family, family photos, goodness sake, hearts, Hope, joy, kids, kindle books, life, love, Memories Poem, mother, paperbacks, poem, poetry collections, Siblings, The Writings of A. K. Frailey, vision, world

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