Spiritual Poetry

A Ray

Spiritual Poetry offers a broader and deeper vision of our human journey, drawing forth compassionate understanding, glimmers of truth, and the light of hope.

Past voices speak to future selves in Eternal


In eager sunlight, minds divide, separate and alert,

Made of clay.

When darkness covers all, we fall prostrate;

Union has sway.

Hybrid creation—human stature, divine destiny—

Come what may.

Are we choices, chance, spirit, or mere DNA?

Struggling to comprehend a million tragedies.

Who can say?

In the gloom of mourning, weary-soul weakness, a cry from beyond,


Compassionate understanding, glimmers of truth, the light of hope,

Mock every cliché.

Souls must transcend the moral zombie zone caught between extremes,


Judge not lest ye be judged, yet decisions must be made,


There is a thread that twines us all—good, evil, middling too,

Our part in the relay.

Ignorance and innocence, not knowing what we know,

A gateway.

Humility and Humanity, Love’s clearest voices yet,

Will you gainsay?

The voices that ring truest, do not speak but cry,

Must devastation rule our day?

Creation we did not, though create we may,

Lies deceive with broken truth,

All betray.

In that endless end and powerless power,

Another Voice rises, a growing harmony,


In our moment now, I speak to you,

Between ancient old and newest new,

A ray.

I pray.


A. K. Frailey is the author of 17 books, a teacher for 35 years, and a homeschooling mother of 8.

Make the most of life’s journey. 

For more spiritual poetry, novels, and inspirational books by A. K. Frailey check out

A. K. Frailey’s Amazon Author Page

Spiritual Poetry Collection


“This is a wonderful collection and I know I will return to it again, from time to time for a spiritual pick me up or encouragement. Or even just to put a smile on my face.~McEvoy

Photo https://pixabay.com/photos/trees-sun-rays-stairs-light-forest-7459838/


A. K. Frailey, amazon author page, amazon kindle books, compassionate understanding, creation, Creative Writing, encouragement, entertainment for life, Eternal, faith, good and evil, Hope, human spirit, human unity, Humanity, inspirational, literature, paperbacks, poetry collections, prayer, Relationships, Spiritual Poetry, transcend, weary soul

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