The Earth’s Demise?

Look around. Are we facing The Earth’s Demise? Blue skies lined with birds soaring carefree, abundantly lush woodlands, forests, grasslands, tundra, taigas, and deserts, exclaims life’s beauty, behind which lies a powerful reality: what we do with our planet today will make a difference to generations tomorrow. What are some of the problems our planet faces today?

Humanity in terms of human beings is not the problem. In fact, recent numbers warn of a massive fertility drop across the globe, which is, in part, due to excessive fear about “overpopulation” and not enough concern with human behavior, self-discipline, and personal responsibility.

  • Pollution

Improper agriculture procedures, landfills, mining, and nuclear waste cause land pollution. Air pollution is caused by greenhouse gases and carbon emissions harmful to the “ozone layer,” and water pollution is caused when chemical waste is spewed into the oceans.

  • Resource Exploitation

Needless to say, life needs energy to survive. However, we humans aren’t very efficient on that spectrum. According to research done by the UN, humans consume twice as many resources as they can regenerate. This list is not limited to just water.

Converting land into mega-farms can cause immense deforestation and desertification. Clearing forests and natural habitats for fuel and grazing contributes to biodiversity loss and the extinction of species.

Why can we not regenerate the planet’s resources at the same capacity as we consume them? We could if we prioritized our time, money, and energy, and self-disciplined ourselves about the issues at hand.

Is There Salvation?

Can humanity work with nature for a better tomorrow?

While some may argue that we have reached the point of no return, the biggest indicator that suggests that the damage to the planet is redeemable is in its history. Our planet has been around for more than 4.5 billion years and has drastically changed. From being completely ice-caped where wooly mammoths ruled the land to dinosaurs and the catastrophic asteroid crash that altered the entire world, our planet has always found ways to rejuvenate.

Healing takes time. We can play our part and even speed up the process.

  • Mindfulness of Carbon:
  1. Incorporate walking or biking to some of your regular short-trip destinations. 
  1. Turn off lights and unplug devices when you’re not using them.
  1. Keep the tires on your car properly inflated and get regular tune-ups. 
  1. Eat more food that is grown or made locally and less red meat.
  1. Use the cold water cycle for washing your clothes and do only full loads.
  1. Keep stuff out of landfills. 
  1. Use alternative transportation (bus, train, carpool, or bike) whenever possible.
  • Raw Material Alternatives

Some raw materials are hazardous to the environment—plastic products like water bottles, disposable razors, and even some teabags. Using biodegradable materials will help sustain the planet.

We can create more of our goods from biodegradable resources like bamboo, coconut, repurposed cloth and fabrics, jute, cork, organic cotton, beeswax and soy-wax, wood, coir products, even seaweed is a multifaceted resource that is also biodegradable.

  • Efficient Resource Utilization:

Oil, coal, natural gas, metals, stone, sand, air, sunlight, soils, water, animals, birds, fish, and plants are Earth’s natural resources, which we use for food, fuel, housing, and raw materials for making other goods.

Making better use of what we have, repurposing our garbage, and using fewer materials and less fuel, will allow us to experience the joys of simpler lives that go a long way toward healing our planet.

Do our actions and life choices matter? After all, we are a lone blue spec in the abyss of space. Are we really alone?

Author A. K. Frailey is back with a prelude to her sci-fi fiction, The Last of Her Kindwhich sees humanity on the verge of extinction on a dying planet. Spectating from afar, our protagonist, an alien watcher by the name of Cerulean, empathizes with them on a different level. He grows fond of Anne, who bears a child in an unrelenting world. Cerulean seeks to save the human race from its inevitable doom. However, as conflict arises on his own planet, Lux, will his love be enough to see humanity into a new future?

Grab your copy of the prelude to find out.

A. K. Frailey is the author of 17 books, a teacher for 35 years, and a homeschooling mother of 8.

Make the most of life’s journey. 

For novels, short stories, poems, and non-fiction inspirational books, check out


The Earth’s Demise?
What we do with our planet today will make a difference to generations tomorrow.


Highly imaginative and intelligently executed, Last of Her Kind is a spellbinding science fiction that is rich in imagery, rippling with conflict, and peppered with deeply moving scenes. ~ The Book Commentary


The Newearth world is wonderfully descriptive and the story is compelling. ~Ellen


Enjoyed the read. The characters were actually fun to learn about. ~Walter

For a complete list of books by A. K. Frailey, book trailers, and reviews,

check out

A. K. Frailey’s Books Page



A. K. Frailey, amazon author page, amazon kindle books, Ann Frailey, encouragement, entertainment for life, Hope, Humanity, inspirational, Life Lessons, literature, paperbacks, Relationships, Science Fiction, The Earth’s Demise?

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