Brotherly Love Reflection

My Road Goes Ever On

Our International Home

In this Brotherly Love Reflection, I remember the international students I grew up with and realize that love transcends both national borders and time as well.

I don’t like to look back. Only forward. Perhaps one of the reasons why a sunny evening after a rainy day discombobulates me. A shiny-bright sky shouldn’t arrive when my exhausted body is ready to flop onto the bed for a well-deserved rest. I like to consider where I am heading. Not where I have been. Can’t fix the past, only improve the future.

But last week, I became the custodian of a box of old letters. My brother who passed away had kept them through the years, and the kids and I discovered them only recently. My first surprise involved the sheer number. So many of the foreign students who boarded at my mom’s—Mrs. B’s—house had loyally written to her even after they had moved on with their lives. Our first renter, Yasushi Fujimoto, wrote from various places including the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies and the International Center for Theoretical Physics in Miramar, which my eldest daughter, a math-chem major, found rather interesting. As a kid, I could never have imagined that I would have a daughter who would grow up to become a scientist in her own right.

There is also the wedding invitation from Miss Ming Chu Hsu to Mr. Yaan Ming Jeffery Chan in Milwaukee not far from where we lived. There’s a thank you card from our Italian renter, Giuseppe, and his new wife, Laura, from their place in Glendale, WI. A sweet letter from Bing from his home in Wuhan, China.

Another letter, written by Bharat from Tanzania, apologizes profoundly for his delay in writing. I can’t imagine what could possibly be as important as writing a letter to us… He’d only had to fly across the globe to see his family. But he promises to return very soon, so his intentions were certainly honorable.

Chen wrote from California. Gustavo wrote from Caracas, Venezuela. There’s a wonderful catch-up with life’s goings-on from Awatif from the United Arab Emirates. A Christmas card from Bangladesh. A note from Said from Saudi Arabia…and that’s only a sample! Now, I’m wondering about those guys who didn’t send letters: Wael from Palestine and Bala from India. And so many more…

I have always considered myself blessed to have known so many people from such diverse walks of life. Not only did they come from different regions of the world, but they also spoke various languages and dialects, and they ate fantastically spicy and exotic food. They practiced a variety of religions yet lived the same nobility of spirit. Hardworking and determined, yet generous and understanding on so many levels. I don’t remember one cross word being spoken between the men during all those years.

I look back on my kid-tudes, and I’m ashamed that I wasn’t always as welcoming as I could have been. Being a child of a broken home, I wasn’t initially thrilled to have “my space” taken over by strangers. But those strangers became family in a way few other human beings have since matched.

In our international home, with usually between two to four students living with us at a time, I learned the impossible is possible. We, humans, can see beyond skin color, learn each other’s languages, discover new facets of God’s reality, and care so deeply about one another that even after thirty years, a yellowed scrap of paper can revive the flame of brotherly love. For, in fact, each of the men who stayed with us was my brother in the truest sense of the word.

Sadly, I have no connection with any of them now. I grew up, moved away, married, had kids, and became absorbed in forming my own little domestic universe. But as time marches relentlessly on, and family and friends pass away, my gaze turns inward. I discover that my heart is not frozen in ages past. Where ever those men have gone, my prayers and well-wishes go too.


A. K. Frailey is the author of 17 books, a teacher for 35 years, and a homeschooling mother of 8.

Make the most of life’s journey.

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Brotherly Love Reflection


“This book comes as a highly recommended read to uplift anyone’s day! Read it as a daily devotional, offer to a friend, or just sit with a cup of coffee and enjoy.” ~Christian Book Review

Brotherly Love Reflection


“Sometimes I feel sad about things, personal and…the world, and find inspiration in your stories.” ~Edith Fréccia


“…takes passages from the Rings trilogy and weaves an almost ethereal beauty into our lives as Christians by comparing the journey of the Fellowship and their struggles to challenge us in our daily walk.” ~Amazon Reader

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For translated versions of A. K. Frailey’s Books, check out

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Photo: A. K. Frailey collection.


A. K. Frailey, ages past, amazon author page, amazon kindle, Ann Frailey, blessed, Book series, brother, brotherly love, Brotherly Love Reflection, connections, culture, diverse walks of life, domestic universe, ebooks, faith, family, foreign students, history, Home, Hope, Humanity, International, International students, kindle books, looking back, love, My Road Goes Ever On, My Road Reflections, old letters, paperbacks, prayers, Relationships, strangers become friends, students, world

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