New Sci-Fi Book
Newearth Progeny
Consider a New Sci-Fi Book in a world where truth and fiction are intermingled; it often takes good fiction to discover honest truth.
Shakespeare wrote 37 plays, Mark Twain wrote 28 books, Agatha Christie wrote 66 detective books, Jane Austen 6 novels, Charles Dickens 15 novels, Steven King 65 novels/novellas, J. K. Rowling 24 books, Tolkien 45 books… and the list goes on.
Though there were a few one-hit wonders: Anna Sewell – Black Beauty, Emily Brontë – Wuthering Heights, Boris Pasternak – Doctor Zhivago, Margaret Mitchell – Gone with the Wind, Harper Lee wrote To Kill a Mockingbird, and, by all accounts, should have stopped there.
So, when I completed my 18th book this month, I didn’t consider myself in the big leagues. Many authors have written far more, far better, and been more well-received. But none-the-less, I consider my latest novel, Newearth Progeny, to be a notable accomplishment. At least in my own mind.
It was a book I needed to write. The story insisted on seeing the light of day. Though, as of this moment in time, I have not decided exactly what to do with the finished work, I am glad that it is written, safely on the page.
In a world where truth and fiction are intermingled, and at times, it appears that it takes good fiction to discover honest truth, I find myself brought to fuller awareness through amazingly well-told tales.
On television, I finished watching Breaking Bad this spring, which nearly broke my heart. This summer, Better Call Saul witnessed a level of humanity’s inner demons that I really didn’t want to face.
For the first time in years, I went to the movies. I watched The Sound of Freedom when it came out in early July and became both mesmerized and horrified by the reality it depicted. Not a safe movie if I wanted to bury my mind in the soft folds of personal comfort. Another movie, Oppenheimer, opened a window into the past while warning of dangers ahead, which humanity rarely seems to comprehend until much too late.
I’ve also been reading a variety of books—the original Grimm fairy tales, Sanderson’s Mistborn series, Jordan’s Wheel of Time series, Frank Herbert’s Dune, and a variety of poetry. Amazing how imaginative worlds can grow from well-selected words.
Quiet prayer time, the grandeur of fluttering trees, sumptuous flowers, dynamic birds, and insanely rambunctious insect life has kept my soul busy, contemplating the interconnectedness of life, where hard facts and mysterious mysticism meet.
While writing Newearth Progeny, I kept expanding the outline to fit the growing story. But as it progressed, I realized that what was developing was not the story I originally intended. I had thought that I was simply writing a woman’s story—something intimate about motherhood. Considering the focus: a biomb used instead of a natural womb, the drama appeared to center on the natural connection between a mother and her child.
But as each character had to deal with his or her own inner disconnectedness, the story took on new dimensions. Society today, as society in every age, must come to terms with who we are as individuals as well as a race of beings, or we run ourselves ragged in the effort to outrace our true identity: hybrid human/divine.
So now, I am left with the end of book eighteen and the outline of book nineteen. The fruit of our actions, like our progeny, must come to fullness in its own time. And age-old questions get asked once again throughout the centuries in various story forms.
Angels and demons have their part to play in our psychological and emotional dramas. What does humanity have to say for itself? We can act angelic or demonic. Frequently we manage both. Sometimes on the same day.
A story offers us a glimpse of ourselves and asks—Is this who I am?
The answer is never complete.
When a new generation steps up as we head off stage, we pray that free will is still in play, and there will always be another, perhaps a better, book to write.
A. K. Frailey is the author of 18 books, a teacher for 35 years, and a homeschooling mother of 8.Â
Make the most of life’s journey.
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Sci-Fi Mystery NovelNewearth Justine Awakens

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